Tunica media

Tunica media
Artery wall
Transverse section through a small artery and vein of the mucous membrane of the epiglottis of a child. (Tunica media is at 'm')
Latin tunica media vasorum
Gray's subject #133 498
MeSH Tunica+Media
Code TH H3.

The tunica media (or just media) ( middle coat ) is the middle layer of an artery or vein.[1]



It is made up of smooth muscle cells and elastic tissue. It lies between the tunica intima on the inside and the tunica externa on the outside.

The middle coat (tunica media) is distinguished from the inner (tunica intima) by its color and by the transverse arrangement of its fibers.


The middle coat is composed of a thick layer of connective tissue with elastic fibers, intermixed, in some veins, with a transverse layer of muscular tissue. [4]

The white fibrous element is in considerable excess, and the elastic fibers are in much smaller proportion in the veins than in the arteries.

This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.

Additional images

See also


  1. ^ Histology at BU 05102loa
  2. ^ Histology at BU 21103loa
  3. ^ Histology at OU 66_02 - "Aorta"
  4. ^ Histology at BU 05603loa

External links